Thursday, July 7, 2016


I've been working on my craft office over the past few weeks. It got so bombarded with other household junk throughout the school year that I haven't been able to use it for months.
This room has been a guest room, turned nursery for son #2, turned play room, turned bedroom for son #3, turned bedroom for son #1, turned store room, then given to me for my craft office. Although I love plaid, I painted the plaid with a very dear friend 15 years ago, but has received creative kinds of crayon markings, finger nail polish, markers etc. that left a distasteful diSTRESSING on it. Needless to say, I had at least one son who really hit the terrible 2s hard, and stayed in that stage for a LONG time.

This collage is a picture of everything that was stashed in the room. Obviously, once I had it all moved out, I just had to paint before putting everything back in ... in an organized purposeful manner. As I decided that is a must!

I chose antique white, as it is what the top 2/3 of the walls already were, so easy peazy. Had to sand, prime, and put 2 coats on it. Looks great now! my photo corner

This is where I will be taking pics of my finished products. The storage tub on the table is my diy light box for photographing the jewelry. I have a backdrop that will arrive in the next week to use here for staging my furniture pieces that I have started painting to sell. The black table you see in these pictures is one of them! So excited about this new venture. I will blog more about it soon.

Here you see the white dresser that had been in this room for a while...and will be painted with new drawer pulls eventually, in the corner. It stores things for painting furniture and scrapbooking. The shelves on the wall to the left of it has my jewelry display items on top, and general craft supplies that my kids use on the next shelf. (The shelf over the window also has some fun craft supplies for using with my kiddos.) The clothes pins are there to hang pics when scrapbooking!! (So can't wait to use that.)

The dark cabinet piece was a armoire...that I have plans to makeover, but was sitting in the garage. Now it houses my sewing machines, other pieces to paint, wrapping paper and gift bags, and sewing projects.

The top 2 pics in the collage shows more scrapbooking supplies and my beads. We get apples at Costco and they come in these cool clear plastic containers that are perfect for me to place my finished jewelry pieces so that when they sell they are easy for me to find for the customer.

Now for my Jewelry corner!!!

I have extra lighting under my cabinet...which is full of jewelry making stuff and things for the craft fairs. (Also some clay projects). Then two different sets of drawers under the table, and more storage things behind the drawers that I can take my jewelry making stuff with me.

Now when I need a moment of de-stressing... I can go and distress some painted furniture or make some pretty jewelry without worrying about where I'm gonna craft it all. :)

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